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Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.):

What are the requirements for becoming a member of Key Club?


You must be a tenth, eleventh, or twelth grader and have a GPA of at least 3.5. To become a member, you will fill out a form, which must include two teacher and one coach/club sponsor signatures, and turn it in to either Mr. Lerchie, Mrs. Mcdowell, or Mr. Bias, our three key club sponsors.


How do I submit my hours?


To record your Key Club hours, visit Mr. Lerchie's room, T-5 , and find your name in your class's book. Then write the date, a short description of your service, and the number of hours on your page.


How many hours do I need per semester?


You must have at least 15 hours recorded in the book per semester. 


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